Kendall County

Kendall County

Our Dickson-Murst Farm in Montgomery is home to The Conservation Foundation in Kendall County and serves as a program satellite office to the McDonald Farm main office. Staff, including the Kendall and Kane County Program Directors and Land Stewardship Manager, are located there. 
In Kendall County, The Conservation Foundation facilitated the Lower Fox River Conservation Planning Project and developed community partnerships and demonstration rain garden sites in Yorkville, Plano, Oswego, and Minooka. Staff have also helped facilitate watershed protection plans for the Blackberry, Aux Sable, Big Rock, and Little Rock Creeks.
These projects have led to the protection of several new sites in Kendall County, including Jay Woods Forest Preserve, Little Rock Creek Forest Preserve, and several parcels in Reservation Woods.
Our Fox River Education & Outreach Initiative seeks to help people become more aware of and enjoy the Fox River, which runs right through Kendall County, and ultimately leads to increased protection and care of the river. Learn more about the Fox River Initiative!
The Conservation Foundation was also instrumental in planning and facilitating the Protect Kendall Now! project which has been used by local agencies to guide the protection of thousands of acres of open space. The Conservation Foundation has also worked with the Kendall County Forest Preserve to pass two successful public referendums to fund open space acquisition.
The Dickson-Murst Farm hosts several public events each year including two Days at the Farm and a Beer, Bands & Barns event. The events are planned and conducted by the Dickson-Murst Farm Partners, a volunteer group of individuals from around the county that pitch in to maintain the facilities and conduct the events.
Our friends at the Kendall County Forest Preserve District and the citizens who have supported open space referenda in Kendall County have helped save some of its great places of nature. Learn about Kendall County forest preserves and district programming.
Kendall County is also home to one of Illinois’ state parks.  Learn more about Silver Springs State Park.

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