Will County

Will County

Will County is one of The Conservation Foundation’s four “core service counties” in northeastern Illinois. As one of the largest and fastest growing counties in Illinois, Will county is very important to The Conservation Foundation for many reasons.

First, this is our home.

Our main headquarters are located on the 60-acre McDonald Farm in south unincorporated Naperville. Here, we have our main offices, hold numerous educational and training programs, partner with other local entities to showcase examples of sustainability, and operate our Green Earth Harvest program.
In addition, we have been partnering and assisting the Will County Forest Preserve District and park districts for more than two decades with land acquisition and other services that increase their capacity to preserve more open space.
Finally, Will County is the home of the Lower DuPage River Watershed Coalition and the Lower Des Plains Watershed Group, sister organizations we helped create that focus on improving the water quality and stream health of the Lower DuPage and Lower Des Plains Rivers as they drain a good portion of Will County. Establishing local working partnerships with municipalities and organizations is critical to getting things done. To that end, The Conservation Foundation has working programs and relationships with Joliet, Plainfield, Shorewood, Manhattan, Bolingbrook, Naperville, and Romeoville on various land and water related preservation activities. 
Our main focus in Will County for the near future is preserving more land for parks and forest preserves, working in partnership on the Lower DuPage and Lower Des Plains Rivers to improve stream health, collaborating with local municipalities and other conservation organizations in implementing community rain barrel programs and promoting our Conservation@Home program, and establishing the McDonald Farm as a regional environmental education and sustainability center.

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