Green Garlic & Garlic Scapes Recipes

Green garlic is what we call a young or spring garlic plant, and looks similar to a leek with a mild and sweet garlic flavor. Garlic scapes are the flower stalk of the plant, and we remove them to help promote bulb growth. 
Green garlic has a more onion or scallion-like flavor profile, but with notable garlicky attributes. Both can be used in the place of typical garlic, onions, leeks, scallions, or shallots in any recipe!

To Store:

Wrap green garlic stalks in a damp towel and store in the fridge. Garlic scapes have a very long shelf life, and will store very well wrapped in a damp towel in the fridge.


Wash green garlic before using. The white part of green garlic may be used raw or sauteed lightly. The green parts of the plants may be used to flavor stocks. Garlic scapes can be used raw or cooked, and are great added to stir frys, soups, dips, and hummus!