Squash - Summer Recipes

Summer squash and zucchini are in the cucurbit family alongside cucumbers and winter squash. Once the plants start to produce fruit, they do so in rapid-fire succession, with fruit growing rapidly- up to 2 inches per day! We typically harvest fruit 3x per week to prevent fruit from becoming too large. 

Summer squash are mild and take on the flavor of all that surrounds it which makes it a great addition to many recipes!

To Store:

Be sure that the fruit does not have any cuts or bruises. If it does, eat the fruit within a day to prevent spoilage. If the fruit has no damage, it can remain in a cool dark place for one week. Zucchini/summer squash may also be refrigerated.


Rinse the fruit to remove any soil. There is no need to peel it. Both zucchini and summer squash can be eaten raw or cooked. Raw they make a great addition to vegetable platters, salads, or dips. They can be spiralized into “zoodles”, sauteed into stir-frys, coated in olive oil and grilled, or grated and added to zucchini bread or pasta sauces. Larger fruit can be cut in half, and after scooping out seeds they make excellent “squash boats” to be stuffed with whatever you like.