Tatsoi Recipes

Tatsoi is a member of the brassica family—along with mustard greens and Brussels sprouts. It has rounded leaves shaped like a spoon, which have a buttery texture and a slightly sweet flavor. It has a pleasant, sweet aroma and a mild mustard flavor. Tatsoi is often compared to spinach because of its similar appearance, and because it shrinks significantly when cooked. The taste, however, is entirely different. Tatsoi’s flavors are sweet and earthy.

To Store:
You know the drill: wrap the leaves in a damp paper towel, and store them in a plastic bag or container in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days. Prepare fresh tatsoi by separating the leaves and rinsing them well.

Tatsoi is a very versatile green, equally suited to being served raw or lightly cooked. To make it easy, just use tatsoi anywhere you’d use spinach. Lightly steam or sauté it, wilt the leaves with a warm dressing, or add them to a soup at the end of cooking!

For recipe ideas, check out our Bok Choy page!