Green Tacos

This is a great breakfast recipe, but it is good at any time of day. Note that amounts given are approximate; adjust to suit your taste and availability of ingredients.
3/4 pounds washed greens (kale, chard, radish greens, etc.), sliced into 1-inch pieces
2 teaspoons cooking oil
2 stalks green garlic, garlic scapes or scallions, chopped
pinch red pepper flakes or cayenne
2 tablespoons cream cheese
4 to 6 small corn tortillas or 2 to 3 larger flour ones
Heat the oil and add the garlic; cook garlic for about 30 seconds. Add greens and cook until bright green and wilted, and then add red pepper (and salt and black pepper if you like). Remove from heat and stir in cream cheese. Heat tortillas, divide filling among them and serve.
Serves 2 to 3.


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