Strengthening Our Foundation: Other Ways to Help

We have been humbled and energized by the response thus far to our Strengthening Our Foundation $75K Challenge!!  (Click here to learn more about the challenge).

But we know these are hard times, and not everyone is able to participate financially.  If you’re not able to donate or have already contributed to the campaign, there are many additional ways you can lend your support!


Create a Facebook Fundraiser

There are bound to be others on your Facebook friends list who share your love and concern for local nature!  Create a fundraiser on your personal page to give your friends the opportunity to donate to The Conservation Foundation right through your page!  It’s quick and easy – Here are some steps to follow:

This link will take you to an auto-generated Facebook campaign. Feel free to edit information provided. When you’re done editing, click ‘create’ and you’re all done!


Like and Share Our Campaign Social Media Posts

You’ve got a good head on your shoulders, and gosh darnit, people like you!  Which means they’re more likely to like the things that you like, so if you’re not already our fan, friend or follower, link up to our social media channels and start sharing your heart out (via our posts).



Send A Message

The pandemic has made it harder than ever to stay connected.  There are surely a bunch of people who would love to hear from you!  While you’re reaching out to say hello, let them know how much nature means to you, and how they can help make sure we preserve it for future generations!  Here’s some sample language, and a nice shareable graphic that’s easy to pop into an email, text message or DM.


Join Our E-news List

If you don’t already receive our emails, sign up to stay up to date on our latest “mission moments”, conservation news, webinars and other educational opportunities!

Join Here!

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